Terms of Service
ARTICLE 1: Legal notices
In the following paragraphs, "Ecoclimasol" will refer to ECOCLIMASOL HOLDING and its subsidiary ECOCLIMASOL SASU, responsible for the marketing of services dephyto.com. “The Site” will refer to the site linked to dephyto.com and its sub-domains, in particular app.dephyto.com. “User” will refer to any legal or natural person using the Site and/or its services.
Website owner
The site linked to the dephyto.com domain as well as its subdomains is the express property of ECOCLIMASOL HOLDING, a private law company registered with the Commercial Court of Montpellier under number 834 651 564.
Address: 672 rue du Mas de Verchant – Building MIBI – CS 37777 – 34967 Montpellier – Cedex 02
Website Developer
This site was developed by ECOCLIMASOL – SASU, a private law company registered with the Commercial Court of Montpellier under number 532 111 226.
Address: 672 rue du Mas de Verchant – Building MIBI – CS 37777 – 34967 Montpellier – Cedex 02
Tel: 04 34 43 61 31
Email: contact@dephyto.com
The publication director of the site is Jean-Philippe Boulanger.
The host of the dephyto.com site is Wix.
The site host on the app.dephyto.com subdomain is Amazon Cloud (AWS).
Data Protection Officer (DPO): privacy@ecoclimasol.com
ARTICLE 2: Purpose and scope of the T&Cs
2.1. Access to the https://www.dephyto.com/ website and its services accessible on the https://www.app.dephyto.com subdomain, as well as the use of its content, is carried out in under these General Terms and Conditions of Use. The fact of accessing and browsing the Site constitutes your unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions of Use.
2.2. The purpose of these general conditions of use (known as "CGU") is to provide a legal framework for the terms and conditions for the provision of the site and services by Ecoclimasol and to define the conditions of access and use of the services by "' User ". These T&Cs are accessible on the Site under the heading “General Terms and Conditions of Use”.
2.3. In the event of non-acceptance of the T&Cs stipulated in this contract, the User must renounce access to the site as well as to the services it offers.
ARTICLE 3: Access to the site
3.1. The Site is accessible free of charge anywhere to any user with Internet access. All costs incurred by the User to access the service (hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are his responsibility.
3.2. The User must have a personal space to access the reserved services. For this, he must register by filling out the form. By agreeing to register for the reserved services, the Member User undertakes to provide sincere and accurate information concerning his marital status and his contact details, in particular his email address.
3.3. To access the services, the User must identify himself using his username and password.
3.4. The regularly registered Member User may also request to unsubscribe by contacting us at the contact address (see Article 1 ). This will be effective within a reasonable time after receipt of your processing request.
ARTICLE 4: Services offered and content
4.1. The dephyto.com Site offers the following services:
simulator module
Analysis module
Log Book
4.2. The User is responsible for the authenticity, legality and relevance of the data he transmits for the purpose of using the services and functionalities. He guarantees to be the holder of any intellectual property rights allowing him to use the data and content. Thus Ecoclimasol disclaims all liability in the event of non-compliance of data and/or content with laws and regulations, public order or the needs of the User.
4.3. The information referenced by our services (Information on phytosanitary products for example) does not belong to us, moreover, Ecoclimasol cannot be held responsible for the use or interpretation of this information by the User.
4.4. Some services require a valid and active subscription, in order to know the terms of subscription and pricing, please consult our General Conditions of Sale accessible in the CGV section on the Site. Any use of a reserved service without a valid and active subscription is strictly prohibited.
ARTICLE 5: Collection and processing of personal data
5.1. The publisher undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of your data is carried out in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, in accordance with the general data protection regulations (RGPD) and the amended Data Protection Act of 1978.
5.2. The collection of personal data is limited to what is strictly necessary, in accordance with the principle of minimization of data, and indicates what are the purposes pursued by the collection of this data, whether providing this data is optional or mandatory to manage requests and who can find out.
5.3. Ecoclimasol undertakes to take all necessary security measures to preserve the confidentiality and security of your personal data. Ecoclimasol cannot therefore be held responsible for any hacking of third parties giving access to your information.
5.4. The publisher is likely to collect the following categories of data concerning its users:
Last name and first name
Mail address
Phone number
Country and address of residence
5.5. Ecoclimasol is responsible for the processing of personal data and the sole recipient of your personal data. As such, access to your personal data is strictly limited to Ecoclimasol staff, subject to an obligation of confidentiality. Apart from the cases set out above, we undertake not to sell, rent, assign, or give access to third parties to your data without your prior consent, unless we are forced to do so for a legitimate reason ( legal obligation, fight against fraud or abuse, exercise of the rights of defence, etc.).
5.6. The User has the right to ask the data controller:
access to the personal data provided,
rectification or erasure thereof,
a limitation of the processing relating to his person,
to oppose the processing,
to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.
5.7. For any question or complaint relating to the processing or collection of your data, you can reach our DPO at the contact address (see Article 1 )
To find out how your data is collected, processed and used, please consult our privacy policy accessible under the “Privacy Policy” section on the Site.
ARTICLE 6: Intellectual property
6.1. ECOCLIMASOL HOLDING is the holder of the dephyto.com domain name. The associated Site is an intellectual work protected by intellectual property law and registered with the Program Protection Agency under IDDN number FR001200018000SP20210030000
6.2. The Site as a whole and each of the elements that make it up (such as in particular texts, tree structures, software, animations, images, designs and models, trademarks, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, logos, sounds, music, and all the elements downloadable", etc.) are, unless otherwise specified, the exclusive property of Ecoclimasol, which alone is authorized to use the related intellectual property rights.
6.3. Consequently, the reproduction, representation and alteration of all or part of the Site on any medium, for use other than personal and private for non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited, except with the express prior authorization of Ecoclimasol.
6.4. Violation of these provisions is liable to penalties in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property and Penal Codes, in particular with regard to infringement of copyright and trademark law, as well as the Civil Code in terms of civil liability.
6.5. If, however, the content of the Site were to infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, Ecoclimasol undertakes to immediately withdraw from its publication, after having been informed of the infringement, the subject of the dispute and/or will make known the real author or copyright owner.
ARTICLE 7: Hypertext links
7.1. The pages of this Site may contain hypertext links to other Internet sites operated by third parties.
7.2. Hypertext links to third-party websites are intended to facilitate navigation for Internet users.
7.3. Ecoclimasol has no current or future control over the production, content, updating, truthfulness and accuracy of external sites accessible by hyperlinks, nor over their offers, advertisements and the links to which they refer. Ecoclimasol cannot therefore be held liable for illegal, erroneous or incomplete content present on the websites of third parties and particularly for damages resulting from the use of the information made available on these sites.
7.4. Ecoclimasol also assumes no responsibility for any violation of copyright, trademarks or other intellectual property rights that may result from access to a third-party website via a hypertext link.
7.5. The creation of hypertext links to the Site, other than to its home page, can only be done with the prior, written and express authorization of Ecoclimasol. This authorization may be revoked at any time and without compensation. Under no circumstances should the pages of the Site be nested within the pages of another website. In all cases, a message must inform the visitor that he is changing website.
ARTICLE 8: Liability
8.1. The sources of the information disseminated on the dephyto.com Site are deemed to be reliable, but the Site does not guarantee that it is free from faults, errors or omissions.
8.2. The information provided is presented for information and general purposes without contractual value. Despite regular updates, the dephyto.com Site cannot be held responsible for changes in administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication.
8.3. Similarly, the Site cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information contained in this site.
8.4. The User makes sure to keep his password secret. Any disclosure of the password, in whatever form, is prohibited. He assumes the risks associated with the use of his username and password. Ecoclimasol declines all responsibility.
8.5. Under no circumstances can Ecoclimasol be held liable for any material or immaterial damage, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, arising from the consultation and/or the use of the Site.
8.6. In addition, Ecoclimasol declines all responsibility in the event of interruption or inaccessibility of the Site, the occurrence of bugs or any damage resulting from fraudulent acts (such as intrusions) by third parties from the Site.
8.7. Ecoclimasol implements means intended to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal information collected on the Site. However, Ecoclimasol does not control the risks related to the operation of the Internet and draws your attention to the existence of possible risks in terms of confidentiality of data transiting via this network.
ARTICLE 9: Applicable law / Disputes
9.1. French law applies to this contract. In the event of absence of amicable resolution of a dispute arising between the parties, the jurisdiction of the French courts alone is recognized.
9.2. For any question relating to the application of these T&Cs, you can contact the publisher using the contact details given in article 1 (cf. Article 1 ).
Article 10 - Modifications to the T&Cs
10.1. Ecoclimasol reserves the right to unilaterally modify the content of these T&Cs at any time.
10.2. Insofar as these T&Cs are modified, Ecoclimasol undertakes to notify the User of substantial modifications in order to enable him to consult and accept them.
10.3. If the User does not accept the new conditions, we invite him to stop using our services, the Site and to delete his account and his data.
10.4. You can consult the previous versions of this document by making a request to us at the contact address (cf. Article 1 ).